Saturday, May 28, 2011

week one complete...

     My first week as a teacher is complete.  In light of how overwhelmed I felt at the beginning of the week, it feels like a huge achievement.  At the end of Monday, I thought, "These kids are great, I love them, and I'm a pretty decent teacher."  At the end of Tuesday, I thought, "These kids are monsters, they're making me crazy, and I'm a terrible teacher!"  The best thing about my class, which others have told me and which I have also observed, is that they are very adaptable.  By the end of the week, the rollercoaster of changes (for them and for me) leveled out and I was able to enjoy by time in the classroom with them much more.  They are a great group of kids and I am looking forward to moving beyond the "teacher survival mode" that I am in now to a place where I can really be creative and make learning fun for them.
    Many people have asked how I am doing emotionally and in terms of culture shock.  It's funny how surreal life can be at times.  My friend, Katy, left me a message just today that said, "It seems so natural that you are here, just like you never left" and I find it funny that she feels that way because that is exactly how I feel.  At times I forget that I have only been here for 10 days.  I really feel like I was on vacation or something and I've just come home and picked up where I left off.  It's hard to describe how at home I feel because I'm not sure that even I understand it completely.  All that to say that I am fine...better than fine, I'm great, and enjoying every day of life in Lima!

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