For those of you who expected more frequent updates from Lima, I have a good excuse, I promise!! Since before I arrived in Lima, the internet at our apartment has been spotty at best and non-existent at worse. Of the 5 girls living here, we could normally only have one computer at a time online and even then only if you were sitting in the exact right spot in the house, the wind was coming from a certain direction and the planets had aligned just so. Obviously I am exaggerating...but not by much. To top it off, for some unknown reason, of the 5 of us, my computer is the one that would not connect at all, never, not once, which left me borrowing a laptop from one of my roommates whenever I could. Hence the severe lack of updates. For months we have been trying to get the issue solved, but there were a couple of obstacles. First of all, talking to the internet company or a technician were basically impossible for us; as it turns out, the words "internet service provider" and "bandwidth" are not yet part of my Spanish vocabulary. Second, because the school pays for our internet, the account is not in our name, so we couldn't do anything about it anyway. All that to say that after several months of polite (but persistent) nagging, our internet and my computer are both fixed!! Hopefully that will mean more consistent updates from here on out...hopefully :). For now, I will get started on the backlog of updates from July...